Hey Everyone,
If you were waiting for a big moment to ride in and save the day like Gandalf and the Rohirrim at the Battle of Helm’s Deep…while we’re on the subject, The Two Towers may be the weakest of Rings trilogy, but it’s still great! The Ents tearing up Isengard, Gollum’s fish song, Viggo Mortensen breaking his toe…I’ll stop making Lord of the Ring references and get to the point.
ONE-SHOT is in its final week on Kickstarter and could really use your help. Here’s where we stand currently.
This means that we need to raise a little over $2,600 to meet our goal. That’s not impossible, but it will be difficult. It’s going to take everyone’s help sharing the campaign and letting folks know about it. If you haven’t had a chance yet, please consider checking out our book and heading to the campaign page to download a free preview.
Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated. I don’t know what’s going to happen this time next week, but I know that the support we’ve received means everything to me.