You’re traveling with Myrdora Stonebreaker! There’s not a foe in all the realms I cannot best.
We’re slashing our way through the weeks leading up to the launch of ONE-SHOT and now we’re just over a month away! Mark your calendars folks, we’re going live August 29th! In the meantime, meet Myrdora, a blunt dwarf with a sharp axe. If you’ve missed the other two adventurers introduced so far, be sure to check out previous newsletter updates!
Last week, we also had the opportunity to announce the first variant cover for ONE-SHOT, completed by the great Marcus Jimenez of Dauntless Stories. Just look at it, it’s so beautiful!
You don’t want to miss out on this book. The creative team I’m working with is incredible and each of them has brought their A-game to the project. I am so excited to share more with you!
That’s all from me for today, read on below for my recs on other indie comics that you should be checking out!
Falling Stars
ONE-SHOT variant cover artist Marcus Jimenez has his own campaign running on Kickstarter that’s in the final 48 hours and could use your support! Falling Stars #1 tells the story of Cero Unit, the Van Arfan Royal bodyguards, and their latest mission. Del Aeluin, the Star Snake, was placed in charge of Nola Van Arfan, The Crowned Head-to-be's protection. His duty was to keep her safe at all costs. Then one day, the Princess vanished from her tower… Cero Unit has one objective, to save the princess; they must kill the deserter.
Rook & Knight
The Libertyverse expands!! Rook & Knight #1- A father-son vigilante duo are waging a brutal war on crime. However, they are starting to fall apart at the seams. From Daniel Kalban, creator of the Band of Bards series American Dreams! You’ve only got a few more days to back this book. Be sure to check it out!